Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Thank goodness for the Daytona 500

I always have loved Nascar but I really liked it this past Sunday. No my men (Stewart/Jr) didn't win but I did manage to finish my dad's socks.
After I finished them I called my buddy Zonda to share the news with her. Then I called my dad. He told me that he would be anxiously waiting for them. So I brought them over to the house today and had them on the table. I didn't say anything to my dad when he came home from work, but I guess he found them ok. Because a few minutes after he came home dad walked into the living room with them on. He had a nice smile on his face as he saod Chris look. I guess dad liked the socks. I feel so bad for dad. He sometimes gets overlooked in the knitting frenzy so I am soooo glad that he liked the socks. He still had them on as I left mom and dads. He did tell me as I left that the socks matched his new olive colored slacks. :0)

1 comment:

Zonda said...

Yay!!! They look great! So glad he likes them!