Holy cow. I swear that I am going to come unglued at any moment. I am trying very hard to get 5 pairs of socks sone for family members for Christmas. Everything was going good....Until yesterday that was. I must have hit a snag or a sock fart because I could not do anything right yesterday.
I was knitting the heel portion and was doing ok then somehow the heel was the size of a dime. So Zonda to the rescue...She undid my mess up and fixed it for me. So tonight again with the same sock I still could't get anything happening. I swear I am going to have a nevous breakdown. So once again Zonda not only undid my mess but also finshed my heel for me. Zonda knows how anal I am and how hard it was for me to admit that I was totally defeated by a damn sock.
So I was wondering what the deal was with me and this one sock. I am knitting 3 other pairs as well and never had any problems with them before so why now all of a sudden am I having a hard time. Then it came to me out of nowhere, making perfect sence. This yellow and orange sock was going to be my sister Michele's sock. I love my sister dearly but Michele can be difficult at times causing me stress just like this sock is doing. This sock was destined to be Michele's from the start and the sock wanted me to know it!!!
Sigh...that darn sock! It's gonna be a popular one!! We'll get it done and teach it a lesson!! ;)
Put that sock in a time out until it decides to behave!!
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